Your members can use points, cash, or both to offset their carbon footprint

Reduce carbon emissions with your e-commerce flow

Empower your members to take meaningful action by integrating carbon offset options directly into their shopping experience.

Empower your Members to understand and address their emissions

When a member makes their reservation, they’ll see the carbon cost of their trip during checkout. They can easily choose to offset their carbon footprint by using points or cash, and once completed, they’ll receive a confirmation email that celebrates their commitment to a more sustainable future.

Together, Your Company and Its Members Positively Impact the Environment

Integrating this feature is smooth and unobtrusive, with no disruption to your existing e-commerce flow. Implementation is straightforward and secure, typically taking just hours rather than weeks or months, so you can start making an impact quickly.

By Working Together, Your Company and Members Contribute to a Healthier Planet

Through our partnerships with leading carbon credit companies, we help your organization accurately measure and offset its carbon footprint. These trusted partners provide reliable calculations and effective solutions, enabling you and your members to take meaningful action toward a more sustainable future.

Your members can use points, cash, or both to offset their carbon footprint

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Why Us?

Powering Points, Cash, and 'Points & Cash' programs for:
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CDi at The National

This week, a few members of the CDi team had the pleasure of attending The National Sports Card Convention in Cleveland, the USA’s most famous

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Say it ain’t so!

CDi has had the pleasure of working with Ralph Ockenfels (see this article on Ralph’s 26 years at the Titans)  – in launching and running the Titans Foundation Marketplace. I

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